Sunday, July 31, 2016

3.B.6 Growing Up

•        Name of Photo: Growing Up
What editing was done to the photo?
I increased the exposure just a small amount.  I also increased the clarity to bring out the dynamic of the background and people.  This balanced with the exposure just gave the photo a really nice pop.    
How did the photo meet the requirements?
My friend asked me to take senior pictures of her daughter.  This is her only daughter; she has three boys, so I knew she would love to have a photo with just her girl.  The day was perfect because it was slightly overcast and we found a cool, graffiti wall.
What was the value of this assignment to you?
This assignment helped me to figure out how to photograph two people.  I took many shots with one standing and vice-versa.  I also had them look at each other and at me.  While I did some good ones, this was the one that felt most natural.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

3.B.5 Photo With A Flash

       • Name of Photo: All Grown Up
What editing was done to the photo?
I started by cropping the photo because I really wanted to focus on how striking her eyes are.  I also added a very small bit of contrast and also increased the clarity.    
How did the photo meet the requirements?
I took this photo in Bisbee down this really cool corridor.  The only thing is that is it a bit dark so I had to use some fill flash.  I feel like it was just the right amount because it didn’t wash out her face and really brought out her eyes. 
What was the value of this assignment to you?
This assignment was fun because I got to really learn how to use my external flash.  And I also was able to capture some beautiful senior pictures for my friend.

Friday, July 29, 2016

3.B.4 Depth of Field

•       Name of Photo: Follow the Road
What editing was done to the photo?
I straightened the photo out first.  I then added some contrast to bring out the roughness of the photo.  I also changed the tint and temperature as well as adding a small bit of vignette to the photo so your eye is drawn to the direction of the road.
How did the photo meet the requirements?
This photo shows everything in focus and shows the beauty of the desert. 
What was the value of this assignment to you?
I don’t take a lot of photos that have a good amount of depth of field.  This assignment really brought to my attention that it is important to look at the whole area and not always zeroing in on one area.