Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Carla's Grandpa

Carla's grandpa emigrated to Brazil from Italy. She thought it would add to the learning to hear his story and the process he went through. They also have food available that is served at traditional birthday parties. Again, the food is just so amazing. There hasn't been one thing that I have not liked. 

In 1955, he was part of the second group that came after WWII when Europe was in chaos. He came from Italy on ship with his family. Three siblings remained in Italy - they already had families. The intent was to farm, as the area was zoned for Italy - the federal government bought the land. They farmed cotton on the land and sold the product to pay to own the land and house. 

A school was created kids to learn Portuguese. He met his wife that way. After 9 years his parents wanted to go back to Italy. He stayed 3 more years at the colony and then came to Avare because his wife’s family lived in Avare. 

He stayed over and over that he is not afraid of hard work. They would do every type of work, it didn't matter. His wife's family owned a retail store and today it is 111 years old. He liked his wife’s family. They were Lebonese - and while they didn’t trust a lot of people, they trusted him. Let him into the circle of trust. Working with Carla, she always talks about this circle of trust she has and it's very small. Now I know where that comes from. 

He said that he would not move back to Italy - maybe to visit. He told us about the house and area where he grew up in Italy. The house in Italy that he grew up in is still there. There used to be more trees and land before the war. Where Germans invaded, it was right on the property, Vedegheto near Balongia, Saveino county. His brother was captured and put into a camp in Africa. He was missing for three years and they thought he was dead. He was taken to Germany and Russia controlled it. They held him and one day he came back biking. Many Brazilians went to help with the war. 

There was so much history that he grandpa shared with us. I wish that I had recorded the conversation because there is so much that I could not capture as he talked and Carla and her uncle translated. I am a huge historical fiction reader and read many books during the WWII era. I plan to go back and do some research about the house and area because there is so much more to learn. I also feel like maybe there is a story here to write about one. 

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