Saturday, December 27, 2008


We decided to venture to the stores today. We didn't go out yesterday because the weather was not the nicest. We stopped at the mall to check out Bath and Body Works. The lotion I was looking for was gone. And also some perfume I had wanted and that wasn't even on sale. Next we stopped for lunch and then hit Target. The kids had gift cards to use. They each found something and we found some little things too. And last we went to WalMart. We know better than to just say we're going to look I found pj's for the girls on super clearance. And then we found some great serving items. An 18pc punch bowl set for $7.75. I have been wanthing a nice set for a long time. Then found a 12 pc set of wine glasses for less than $1 a glass. And last a 2pc serving set. It's a nice plate with a bowl for dips. Those were probably the best finds of the day.

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